Fertility Naturally

Conceive the possibilities

Fertility challenges, especially with unknown causes, can be one of the biggest strains on a couple.  There are options.  Many conventional fertility clinics never look into a woman's iron stores, her thyroid, whether she has undiagnosed Celiac disease, what type of folic acid she is taking, all important indicators of fertility.

There are dietary changes that can help.  There are herbal remedies that can support optimal hormone balance.  There are acupuncture points that direct energy to the uterus.  If you are struggling with fertility, conceive the possibilities that naturopathic doctors can provide.

Links to naturopathic medicine and fertility:



Prenatal Care Naturally

How can a naturopathic doctor help with pregnancy

Are you looking for a more natural pregnancy?  Would you like to support your body and baby through the process knowing you optimized your experience?  Naturopathic doctors are great adjuncts to both obstetricians and midwives.

Did you know there are dietary requirements that change throughout pregnancy, such as iron and calcium?  Did you know there are changes that can be made in the last trimester to lower a child's risk of developing allergies and asthma?  Did you know that not all prenatal vitamins are created equally, specifically the all-important folic acid?

Dr. Maguire coaches her patients through each trimester, and more frequently if there are conditions that need more frequent followups.  Add a naturopathic doctor to your team today!


Dr. Maguire offers two treatments to encourage labour:

- acupuncture

- craniosacral therapy

More about Naturopathic Medicine & pregnancy: http://drcarlywendler.com/2011/09/11/naturopathic-care-during-pregnancy/


A 2015 journal article regarding probiotics and allergy risk: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26145984

A journal article discussing folic acid and "epigenetics": http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23151531

Naturopathic Pediatric Care

Gentle natural approaches for your child's best health


Children are perfect patients for naturopathic medicine.  Their little bodies take natural remedies and apply them easily and perfectly to create health.  They are uncomplicated by stress, long histories of pharmaceuticals, caffeine, or surgeries.   In these purest forms, they take a simple dietary change and create impeccable digestion, excellent behaviour, great sleep and concentration, and healthy skin.


Dr. Maguire finds that children often need minimal visits to achieve great health, and only yearly followups afterwards.


Treatment options for kids may include:

- diet changes

- vitamins and minerals

- herbal medicines

- craniosacral therapy

- homeopathy

- acupressure

- allergy & sensitivity testing

Weight Management

"My heart goes out to patients that exercise and eat well, but aren't seeing their body composition or weight change. There is so much more we can be doing for them." - Dr. Maguire

When diet and exercise aren't cutting it...

...it's time to look outside the box.  Vitamin D status, omega-3 content, probiotics are some of the foundations that Dr. Maguire builds on.  From there, let's figure out what your metabolism is fighting...



Where and how you gain weight can tell Dr. Maguire about different hormones that may be imbalanced, contributing to resistant weight.  These hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and thyroid stimulating hormone.  Each hormone can be tested and requires specific treatment to see health and weight improvements.  Cravings, low libido, water retention, and a tendency to gain weight in hips and thighs may also be present.  Furthermore, the female hormones can interfere with thyroid and adrenal hormones.



Your thyroid gland is the master puppeteer to your metabolism - when it is underfunctioning, your whole metabolism and every cell of your body can be affected.  These patients often refer to a "glandular issue" with their weight.  Dr. Maguire does extensive thyroid testing to uncover issues that may be missed by conventional testing.  Symptoms, with or without bloodwork to confirm, may include: lethargy, constipation, feeling cold, low mood, sleep issues, dry/brittle hair, nails and skin.



The stress hormone, cortisol, can cause your body to "hold onto weight".  The patient is burned out and may be experiencing issues with sleep, mood, low blood pressure, and decreased muscle mass and blood sugar control.  Stress may be something you are conscious of (finances, deadlines, etc) or not (injuries, chemical exposure, etc).


Food sensitivities

Reactive compounds formed when the body is exposed to a food sensitivity can cause inflammation, including fluid retention and weight gain.  Furthermore, ghrelin, a chemical created by the body to fight inflammation, can also create an increased appetite - worsening the weight gain!  Food sensitivities can be tested easily in-office by a finger prick and few drops of blood.  Many insurance companies seem to be covering naturopathic lab tests too!  Many patients love the "direction" this gives their diet, often avoiding the need to count calories or unnecessarily avoid certain foods.


If you are tired of not seeing results with your weight management strategies, call us today.


The Woman Athlete

natural support for performance & recovery


Dr. Maguire has worked for ten years with sports and soft tissue therapists, such as physiotherapists, chiropractors and massage therapists.  This has developed into a deep understanding of athletic and performance support.  Therapies for athletes are centered around performance and recovery and may include:

Nutritional counseling

Are you eating enough to support your exercise level?  Are you covering all the nutritional bases?  Are you looking to increase your energy and recovery through diet?  Diet tracking and individualized counselling available.


A popular regenerative injection technique to stimulate healing for weak or partially torn ligaments or tendons, meniscus issues, and more.


The traditional Chinese style of acupuncture is relaxing and restorative, while extra needles can be added for sore muscles or joints.

Craniosacral therapy

A great option for concussion support or providing balance and alignment to the body's skull and spine.

About Dr. Gayle Maguire 

Dr. Gayle Maguire, BSc, ND has been practising naturopathic medicine in Calgary and Okotoks since 2006.  In that time, her practice has become focused on hormones (fertility, menopause, PMS), thyroid disease, pediatrics and mental health, all of which require an advanced knowledge of nutrition, digestion, stress and endocrinology.  She is heavily science-based in her practice, with a profound appreciation for spiritual and energetic medicines.  She lives in Calgary with her husband and two daughters.


- Naturopathic Medicine, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, University of Manitoba

- Prolotherapy, AAOM & Hackett-Hemwall

- Craniosacral 1, Upledger Institute



  • Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)

  • College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA)

  • Alberta Association of Naturopathic Doctors (AAND)

  • Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (PedANP)


Accomplishments & Volunteer Work

  • Vice-President, AAND 2021-current

  • Competency Committee, CNDA 2018 - 2021

  • Advisory Board, CITCM 2021 - current

  • Board of Directors, Play-it-Forward Projects 2018-2020

- Dean of Academics of CITCM 2017 - 2020

- Speaker at Birth Unlimited Prenatal Care conference 2015, Banff Gate Retreat 2016, AAND Conference 2024

- published in Vital Link journal on teenagers and health, Spring 2015

- co-chair of CNDA Conference 2022, 2016, 2012, 2013

- Instructor at Canadian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 2007

- Western Wheel Best of Foothills, Favourite Alternative Health Provider, 2008

- Naturomedic scholarship 2003

- Dean's Honour list 1998 - 1999

- Canada Trust Scholarship for Outstanding Community Leadership, 1998

- Governor General Bronze Medallion, 1998

Dr. Gayle says:

"I have wanted to be a doctor and a mother since I was very young and know how blessed I am to have my family.  I was knowledgeable, healthy, blessed and in control enough to have no issues.  With so many young people in Calgary, I started to see that the journey was not so easy for many.  I also started to feel passionate about pursuing answers for these patients, to add to the work done by their medical doctor.  So many patients are left searching for answers if labwork comes back normal.  I love that challenge of "the unknown" and tenaciously source out answers and treatment plans for these families.  There is so much room for natural support to fertility and hormones.

When children come through my office, they can be accompanied by sleep-deprived, anxious parents pressured by societal norms and expectations on how to provide healthcare to their growing children and themselves.  These parents are desperate for good-quality, unbiased presentation of their options by someone who medically trained, experienced and been through it.  I am so happy to be able to be a guide to patients and inspire them that the health they are looking for CAN BE ACHIEVED."


All images on this website are the property of M Heath, or were obtained with licence from Canva or CanStock. All rights reserved. Educational purposes only, nothing on this website is a substitute for medical care - please consult your licenced healthcare provider.