Kids and Natural Supplements for Anxiety
There are several natural supports for mild to moderate mood disorders, though talk to your medical or naturopathic doctor first as they can lead to life-threatening interactions with pharmaceuticals or other supplements. I am a firm believer in a collaborative approach to healthcare, never so much as with mental health, so be sure to enlist a mental health professional and medical doctor to your naturopathic care. Oftentimes you will want to try out several professionals until you find a style or technique that resonates with you.
I feel very blessed that natural remedies can support feelings of calm or protect against the negative effects of stress and anxiety, or minimize low moods. Some common supplements are:
Magnesium is a relaxant to smooth muscles which can improve the feelings of anxiety or for pre-menstrual tension. Magnesium can loosen the bowels, so dosing should be monitored accordingly. Ideally, magnesium is taken in a liquid or powder form for best absorption. There are a few types of magnesium, though recently magnesium glycinate has become a popular form specific to calming effects.
L-theanine & GABA
L-theanine is an extract from green tea that can lower cortisol levels and provide quick, though usually temporary, relief from anxiousness.
GABA is another quick fix for anxious moments, and also tends to be short-lasting. Both L-theanine and GABA can be used on older children, with medical supervision, to help manage symptoms until the underlying issues are addressed. Low levels of this inhibitory neurotransmitter have been linked to chronic pain, epilepsy and mood disorders, so some do feel the positive of effects of supplementing. Interactions are common with this product, not only with anxiety medications, but potentially others, such as blood pressure prescriptions. Side effects are not well studied.
Herbal Remedies
Plants with calming properties can be helpful in tea or supplement form, though allergies are common, especially to Chamomile. Other common herbs that may induce relaxation are valerian, mint, hops and passionflower. I tend to find herbal medicines in tea can be an appropriate dose for children. Bach flower remedies, such as Rescue Remedy drops, can be wonderful for pediatric patients too. In the interest of being thorough, however, the person with anxiety needs to be evaluated for hormones, thyroid function, blood sugar issues, or nutritional deficiencies.
So often, feelings of anxiety are at least partially contributed to by imbalanced hormones, poor blood sugar control/low blood sugar, or nutritional deficiencies due to dietary gaps or digestive disorders. This article is for informative purposes only and should not be used for medical advice.