Post-partum Care for Mother
It’s been 6 months, maybe 18, maybe a few years since you’ve had a child and suddenly, you realize the fatigue is not normal. That you should be recuperated by now, you should be sleeping better, have more energy, have smooth periods, lost the pregnancy weight, or feel more like yourself.
Post-partum care, or lack thereof, is one of the most common concerns I treat. She has been so busy caring for that beautiful baby that she forgets to eat, or grabs whatever is easy. She may not be working on her own sleep hygiene or exercise, or scared to take any supplements to nourish her body.
Please know that there are many things a naturopathic doctor can help you with, from brainstorming nutritional ideas to supporting healthy hormone, thyroid and adrenal function in the post-partum period. I find this especially imperative for women who have experienced a difficult pregnancy or labour, have a colicky or high-needs child, or who have had multiple children without rebuilding well between pregnancies. Talk to your doctor about necessary bloodwork or examinations to rule out things like anemia or thyroid disorders, and review your entire history with your ND. Most naturopathic doctors also treat children too, so if you need sleep, digestion, etc support for baby, they can possibly help there too! Leaving you feeling back to yourself and better able to enjoy the moments with little one.